by Catrina Vignando on 12 September, 2013

The Royal Daimler has been classified as a Canberra treasure in a new book by Betty Churcher, ex Director of the National Gallery of Australia, and artist Lucy Quinn.
The book I am referring to is called Treasures of Canberra and has been produced to commemorate the Centenary of Canberra. Last night I was at an inspiring talk by Betty and Lucy where they spoke about their new book and the many treasures that it features.
The National Musuem’s Royal Daimler is in fine company in this publication that features objects from ten, key cultural organisations in Canberra. Included are the National Library of Australia, the Australian War Memorial and the National Gallery of Australia.
The Royal Daimler is showcased with the likes of Picasso and Sydney Nolan as well as Phar Lap’s heart and the Azaria Chamberlain story to name just a few. However, there are many more treasures to read about and discover between the covers of this book.
It is a very compelling read, not only because it features the Royal Daimler, but because it draws connections between objects and their stories from across the many wonderful galleries, libraries, archives and museums that are in Canberra.
This book is available at the National Museum of Australia Shop. What treasures from the National Museum’s collection would you have included in a book about cultural treasures?