by Catrina Vignando on 12 November, 2014

It was 1954, post depression, post World War II and the visit of the young and beautiful Queen Elizabeth transfixed the nation. Continue reading “The Queen is in town”
Help tell the Australian story
by Catrina Vignando on 12 November, 2014
It was 1954, post depression, post World War II and the visit of the young and beautiful Queen Elizabeth transfixed the nation. Continue reading “The Queen is in town”
by Catrina Vignando on 16 June, 2014
And a good time was had by all. Around 150 people came to see the preview screening of When the Queen Came to Town, at the National Museum on 12 June as part of the Queen’s birthday celebrations. This was a fundraising event for the Royal Daimler project and many came dressed in their fine 50s hats and royal regalia. Continue reading “A Royal birthday celebration”
by Catrina Vignando on 17 April, 2014
The Museum’s Royal Daimler is the subject of a new feature film called When the Queen Came to Town that celebrates the 60th anniversary of the 1954 Royal visit.
Continue reading “Filming the Royal Daimler”by Catrina Vignando on 7 March, 2014
This year, 2014, marks 60 years since Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s first visit to Australia as the young reigning monarch. About 75 per cent of Australia’s population caught a glimpse of the newly-crowned Queen on her 1954 Royal tour.
A feature documentary, When the Queen Came to Town , is being produced in celebration of the 60th anniversary of this event. The producers of the film are seeking to hear from members of the public who took film footage of the 1954 Royal tour with 8mm or 16mm home movie cameras of the time. Continue reading “When the Queen came to town”
by Catrina Vignando on 18 February, 2014
In February, 60 years ago, HRH, Queen Elizabeth II, came to Australia. It was 1954, a mere five months after her coronation and the first tour by a reigning monarch.
Continue reading “Remembering the 1954 Royal Tour”by Catrina Vignando on 2 October, 2013
Three weeks to go till the Centenary of Canberra Car Rally. This unique event, organised by the National Trust in the ACT, includes a scenic drive from Jervis Bay/Nowra to Canberra on Saturday 19 October and a motorcade along Northbourne Avenue finishing on the lawns of Old Parliament House on Sunday 20 October. Continue reading “Once in a hundred year event”
by Catrina Vignando on 10 July, 2013
We are very excited about our collaboration with the Royal Automobile Club of Australia, (RACA), in Sydney, who held a motoring gala dinner on 3 July to celebrate Australian motoring history. Continue reading “Royal Automobile Club of Australia Gala Dinner”
by Monica Lindemann on 18 January, 2013
I recieved this interesting story from a Project donor this week. I wonder which of the Queen’s cars he sat in? Continue reading “Uncle Elmer bought the Queen’s car”
by Heidi Bock on 4 October, 2012
Sometimes I feel a little spoilt working at the Museum with so much interesting information right at my fingertips. In my bid to find out more about the Royal Tour, I visited the Museum Library. This is an incredible resource, and after a quick search, six commemorative books from 1954 landed in front of me.